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Lab to Beauty is a Keynote Speaker at the Future Cannabis Strategies Virtual Conference 2020

L O N D O N,   U K – On June 16, 2020 Lab to Beauty, Co-Creator, Katherine Ragusa is joining industry leaders as a featured keynote speaker at Arena International’s Future Cannabis Strategies Virtual Conference. She will be speaking on the topic of “CBD Enters Luxury: Providing A Lesson in Brand Building To Understand How To Effectively Market Luxury Consumer Products.” Industry leaders from The Valens Company and Canopy Growth Corporation will be alongside Lab to Beauty.

Lab to Beauty was the first CBD brand to enter the luxury market, launching with Barneys New York in November 2018. Lab to Beauty has been referred to as “the Pot of CBD Gold” by the Beauty Independent and pioneered the concept of CBD as luxury with its launch in Barneys New York, Saks Fifth Avenue, and its luxury Spa partners.

The seminar focuses on assessing the importance of knowing who you are and your relevance in the marketplace in order to effectively promote your brand message; understanding your environment in order to curate the appropriate assortment and marketing for it; outlining the different ways to connect with customers in order to create meaningful experiences, and assessing the importance of market and consumer research in order to establish the correct target audience.

A B O U T   F U T U R E   C A N N A B I S   S T R A T E G I E S  2 0 2 0 Each year, over 10,000 business executives from Fortune 1000 companies attend over 80 Arena International events worldwide, addressed by over 1700 industry leaders delivering leading edge content and discussion. Due to the COVID-19 situation, Arena International has made the decision to combine the Future Cannabis Strategies West Coast and Future Cannabis Strategies North America events and bring that to you as a virtual event.

A B O U T   L A B   T O   B E A U T Y Lab to Beauty is the leading luxury CBD beauty brand created by NY + LA based sisters Katherine and Alison Ragusa. Bottled fresh in the lab and brought right to your beauty routine, Lab to Beauty “elevates CBD to the top tier of the beauty category” and has been named the “Pot of CBD Gold” by the Beauty Independent.

Lab to Beauty is a clean beauty movement that takes a holistic approach to CBD. Each plant-based + spa-grade CBD Face Care, Body Care, Hair Care, Bath and Wellness product works to clear and calm your complexion, awaken and strengthen your hair, and soothe all of your senses from the inside out. Formulated for all skin + hair types, Lab to Beauty is THC-Free, Vegan, Cruelty-Free, and Made in the USA.

For press opportunities contact Katherine Ragusa, Lab to Beauty Co-Creator. 716.380.3074

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